Mercedes-Benz Announces Global Charging Network. Should all car companies build charging infra?

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Mercedes-Benz says they are bringing the electric vehicle revolution to the next level with the rollout of its high-power charging network in North America.

This ambitious project, announced at CES 2023 in Las Vegas, is a collaboration between Mercedes-Benz, MN8 Energy, one of the largest solar energy and battery storage owners and operators in the US, and ChargePoint, a leading EV charging network technology company.

By 2027, the network will consist of 400 hubs across North America with more than 2,500 high-power chargers providing a seamless and secure charging experience.

The network will be integrated with the Mercedes-Benz Electric Intelligence navigation system ensures that customers can easily plan their routes, optimising the journey to include the best charging points and reserving spaces in advance.

When they arrive, they can use the “Plug & Charge” function to make the process effortless, with no need for manual authentication via card, app or head unit. Mercedes-Benz customers can use the Mercedes me Charge service as part of the Mercedes me connect service. Other customers have a variety of payment options.

Right Now only Tesla offers similar hassle-free plug and charge system.

The hubs will offer 4 to 12, and eventually up to 30, high-power chargers (HPC) with up to 350 kW of charging power. Intelligent charge-load management will ensure that each vehicle can be charged at its maximum capacity, minimising waiting times.

The charging points will be covered, where feasible, to offer protection from the weather and the surrounding areas will feature amenities such as food outlets and restrooms. Surveillance cameras and other measures are being taken to provide a safe and secure charging environment.

Many carmakers believe that they should not be involved in building a charging network, here are some of the Pros and Cons of building a charging network


1. Car companies can control the charging infrastructure and ensure that their vehicles are charged properly and quickly.

2. It can enable car companies to offer a more comprehensive package to their customers, including charging services, which could help increase customer loyalty.

3. It could also provide car companies with an additional source of revenue.

4. Car companies can also create their own standards and rules for charging, ensuring that their customers receive a safe and reliable service.


1. Setting up a charging network is expensive and could require a large initial investment.

2. It could also be difficult to maintain and keep up with the changing technology in the charging sector.

3. Car companies could also find it difficult to compete with existing charging networks, such as Tesla’s Supercharger network.

4. It could limit the availability of charging services to customers of one particular car company, which could lead to customer dissatisfaction.

Interestingly, the most prominent EV manufacturer, Tesla created the world’s largest EV charging network, which has been instrumental in driving the adoption of electric vehicles. The Tesla charging network has become an integral part of the EV landscape, and its success has had a huge impact on the company and the industry.

Tesla has been able to monetize their charging network in a number of ways. First, they charge a fee for the use of their Supercharger network. The fee is based on the amount of energy that is used, and the cost of the electricity. This fee provides Tesla with a steady stream of revenue, and has been instrumental in helping the company fund its growth.

Second, Tesla has been able to monetize the sale of electricity to other EV owners. Tesla’s charging network is connected to the grid, and they sell electricity to other EV owners at a rate that is cheaper than what they would pay at a gas station. This helps them bring in additional revenue, and also helps other EV owners save money on their charging costs.

Finally, Tesla has been able to monetize the data they collect from their charging network. The data collected from the Supercharger network is used to improve their products and services, as well as provide valuable insights into the EV market. This data can then be sold to other companies or used to improve Tesla’s own products and services.

Tesla’s success with their charging network has been so great that other car companies have started to take notice. Other companies, such as Volkswagen and BMW, have started to invest in their own EV charging networks. This is due to the fact that Tesla’s charging network has proven to be a successful business model, and other car companies want to be able to replicate that success.

However, there are a few key differences that make it difficult for other car companies to replicate Tesla’s success. First, Tesla has a massive head start, as they have been building their charging network for years. This gives them an advantage in terms of technology, infrastructure, and market knowledge. Other car companies are still playing catch up in this regard.

Second, Tesla has a huge advantage in terms of brand recognition and customer loyalty. Tesla’s brand is one of the most recognizable in the world, and their customers are extremely loyal to the company. This gives Tesla a huge edge when it comes to gaining customers for their charging network.

Finally, Tesla has a huge advantage in terms of funding. Tesla has access to significant amounts of capital, which they can use to build and expand their charging network. Other car companies may not have access to the same level of funding, which makes it difficult for them to compete with Tesla.

The decision of whether car companies should build EV charging networks or let dedicated charge point operators do it depends on the situation and the company’s goals.

  • From a financial perspective, it makes sense for car companies to build EV charging networks if they can make more money from doing so than from hiring third-party operators. Building EV charging networks requires a large upfront investment, but it can be a more cost-effective option in the long run if the company can generate enough revenue from charging fees.
  • From a business case perspective, building EV charging networks can be beneficial to car companies because it can help them differentiate their products and create new revenue streams. It can also help them build a brand image of being “green” and environmentally friendly.
  • From a technology perspective, car companies have the advantage of having in-depth knowledge of their vehicles and can use this knowledge to develop charging networks that are optimized to their vehicles’ needs. This can give them an edge over third-party operators who may not have the same level of expertise.

Ultimately, it is up to the car companies to decide whether building EV charging networks is the best option for them. They must consider the financial, business case, and technology aspects when making the

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